
A peaceful oasis in a noisy world …

Ok, a peaceful oasis is relative. But the noise frm the neighbors and neighborhood has not started in full force. I am really hoping that this year I can try to tune it out a bit. However, if I win Publisher’s or the lottery, I’m outta here. We all are. Adrian came over and helped with the circle garden. This picture is old, but it’s the goal. The weeds have been vicious. It will take multiple sessions to clear it. I plan to put down weed blocker this year. Let’s hope I can actually keep up this garden blog. The surviving chickens and hens are all still sporting the dark red hue that the winter light wavelengths give. The bergamont and a few other plants that are starting to peak through the dirt are sporting the same fashionable color. I was all excited thinking that the amaryllis was not only going to make a show, but also had multiplied. What a laugh on me when these later turned out to be the hyacinth bulbs! Damit Jim, I’m a parent not a botanist!
Ralph Gardens | Copyright 2021
Zucchini and cucumber were the first to “pop” up this year. (March 2021)
Ralph Gardens A mother’s adventure in healthy foods
Cucumber (2020)

Cucumber Conundrum

At my original conception of the page the cucumber and zuchini were out pacing all the other seeds. I came across this picture and hoped that this year’s plants wold do as well as last year. With the raised garden in place and plans for a trellis, I am hoping the plants will last longer and be more productive. Last year’s productivity was plenty for our family, so we shall see.