
I have told myself for several years that I was going to do this. I surely hope this is a better late than never situation. I also hope to fix the garden up for the future this year and make the work easier each year rather than doing the same hard tasks over and over. So here are pictures from this year.
Ralph Gardens | Copyright 2021
Ralph Gardens A mother’s adventure in healthy foods

Seeds started on March


I planted the usual this year. However I’m trying not to have so many extra. Last year was a bit of a mess. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the good eating, but there are only so many ways to cook tomato and peppers.


Within a week the eggplant and cucumber had sprouted. The roma tomatoes followed. The cherry and beefsteak have not made a showing yet. Oh, the peppers did pop up as well.

Blank Spots

The empty space in this picture used to have a lovely miniature white dianthus. This is what happens when the Y- chromosome decides to be helpful but does not understand the differeence between DEADhead and BEhead. Sigh

Accidental Celery

This is celery growing in the first new raised garden bed. Clearly we need to chop up the compost a bit better.

Second raised bed

The second raised bed is built, in place, and filled with soil. I think this will be where the cucumbers go. Maybe the peppers as well.

Zucchini and Cucumber

They have grown quite a bit since this photo. But it’s still crazy to think they did this growth in just a couple of weeks.

If you plant them, they will grow.

Call us on: 01234 0000000
Trying to keep family posted on the goings on in my garden.


These two crocus popped up over the weekend (March 30th). I surmise it is one of the items I got from David, that Betty had ordered. I didnn’t know what was what. And actually didn’t know they were viable. This will be interesting.


There were guests in the yard this weekend. I took this through the kitchen window so pardon the fuzziness.

Chives and other herbs

The herbs are coming in nicely. I am very happy about the oregano and will try to load a picture of that soon.


This is the new eucalyptus situation. I hope it does well..


There are many flowers on the blueberry bush. It’s hard to tell by this photo. I would love to cage it but there’s just too much to do, It may not happen.


This is all that survived of last year’s new oregano planting. the spider mites did a job on it. I will try to treat it with neem oil this year. I did buy more. I really like oregano.